I wanted to take a quick moment to discuss my love for Vibram Five Fingers. VFF's are basically multi-sport barefoot shoes. What that means is the feeling of being barefoot, but with a thin protective layer of rubber between your foot and the Earth.
I first discovered Vibram Five Fingers back in early 2007 when I saw a guy wearing a pair in this specialty shoe store in Kennesaw, GA. My first reaction was to say to him "what the hell do you have on your feet, guy?" He responded with "There called Five Fingers and they are made by Vibram, the same guys that make all that great rock climbing rubber, and before you knock them too much, I'm gonna make you try them on". My reaction was to decline trying these things on, but a short while later, after he knew my shoe size by my asking for another shoe, he had brought out a pair of Sprints for me to try on. I realized this as he handed them to me instead of the ones I had wanted to try. After a short "argument", I put them on. He had me go outside and jog across a median and over some rock, on the grass and back into the store. Once back inside, I knew I was leaving with a pair on my feet. He had me sold right then and there, no matter that they were 75.00 and were basically a glove for my foot. I ask "do you have any other colors"? and he said "Ha, I knew you would want them".
OK, Changed my life. I have since owned 5 pair of VFF's. I currently own a pair of VFF KSO's, KSO Treks, KSO Flows (in black with the super sticky rubber), and a new pair of Bikilas. I am also waiting for City Sports to get the new KSO Trek Sports in stock (in black) in my size so I can grab yet another pair! I wear them almost exclusively now, inside the house, out hiking, to the office, to the store, when I am kayaking or rafting (KSO Flows are great for water activities). If you have not tried a pair, go and get them. I have already had six friends go out and get them some and so far all that have converted LOVE them. No complaints from them at all. Seriously, they look a little funny at first, but looks ARE deceiving. These feel like they are a part of you in fact, I think they will become part of you. You won't own just one pair! Join Us! Free your feet in Five Fingers!
Here are some pics of my Vibram Five Fingers. www.vibramfivefingers.com
www.citysports.com www.birthdayshoes.com